
Letters to the Editor

Mayors endorse Mark Campbell

To the editor: Mayors representing towns across District 2 in Webster County are collectively sharing our endorsement for the re-election of Mark Campbell for Webster County Supervisor. The mayors for Mark Campbell include those leading the towns of Barnum, Callender, Dayton, Gowrie, Moorland, ...

Endorses Thode for supervisor

To the editor: I want to go on record as endorsing Bob Thode for Webster County supervisor for his district. Bob has worked effectively during his years of service on the board. He brings excellent credentials to the job from his years of service as a veteran, law enforcement officer and board ...

Vote Lloyd

To the editor: Krystal (Lloyd) has the experience and understanding of working in the Auditor’s Office and does an excellent job.I would not hesitate to vote for her. This is one office that shouldn’t be decided solely on party affiliation. If you have someone currently in the office that ...

Chooses Thode for supervisor

To the editor: I choose Bob Thode as my choice to continue to serve as supervisor from his district for Webster County Board of Supervisors. Bob has acquired a great deal of experience serving as public servant and as a supervisor. He has kept abreast of local, lawmakers and government ...

Endorses Campbell, Lloyd

To the editor: I’m telling folks to re-elect Mark Campbell to the Webster County Board of Supervisors. I worked with him on the board and I can’t say enough about how much he’s done for us over the last 12 years. One of the biggest parts of the job is keeping the budget in line and ...

Connect the dots

To the editor: In the 1950s, Republican Sen. Joseph McCarthy became infamous for accusing hundreds of members of the Truman administration of being Communists. After being censured by Congress for bullying witnesses on national TV, McCarthy’s immense popularity evaporated overnight. In the ...