ISU Extension presents ‘A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease’
Learn about effects, treatments for Parkinson’s Disease
Growing older is the greatest risk factor for acquiring Parkinson’s disease and many people live with symptoms for several years before being diagnosed. Often people in early stages of Parkinson’s disease assume their symptoms are part of normal aging or are due to other health problems they may have, such as arthritis. However, early Parkinson’s disease symptoms may not be that apparent and may even come and go. Frequently it is the spouse or other relatives who first notice slight problems with a loved one’s movements.
To learn about Parkinson’s disease, its effects, and possible treatments, register now to participate in “A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease” an educational series from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Webster County Extension, along with Iowa State’s Department of Kinesiology, and Human Sciences Extension and Outreach are sponsoring the series in Fort Dodge at Friendship Haven beginning April 1.
The educational series consists of three, one-hour sessions held on Tuesdays in April. A team of Human Sciences specialists will teach the classes, which include interactive lessons, discussions, and activities. Sessions are scheduled from 5 to 6 p.m. April 1, 8 and 15 at Schmoker Building at Friendship Haven in Fort Dodge. There is a no fee for the program. For more information or to register contact Kourtney Lenz, Wellness at 515-573-6270 or email at Online registration is available at
“You will learn about the signs of Parkinson’s disease and how to seek medical care, as well as the cause of the disease and how specific treatments work. You will also learn about alternative therapies and in-home activities that can delay the progression of Parkinson’s disease, which is very important for continuing to live a full and happy life,” said Holly VanHeel, Human Sciences specialist.