Getting to know our teachers — Dylan Anderson
Cooper Elementary
Where do you teach?
Cooper Elementary
What grade/ subject do you teach?
2nd Grade
Why do you teach?
I teach because I want to make an impact on students in as many ways as I can. I also love being a role model that students can look up to and know they can always count on me.
What is your favorite part of the school day?
I would say right away in the morning, as well as recess. Seeing all of our students come in with smiles on their faces can make anyone’s morning much more enjoyable. At recess, I enjoy playing games with students and getting to interact with them even more outside of a classroom.
What are you working hardest on right now?
I have always worked the hardest on developing relationships with students. In my opinion, building relationships with students is the best thing a teacher can do, so I am always trying to strengthen my relationships with my students.
What are you most proud of as a teacher?
I think I am the most proud when I have students who start the year not wanting to be at school, and who by the end of the year never want to leave. If I can accomplish that, I know I have created an environment in my classroom where students can be open and honest, grow, succeed, and feel like they are important.
What makes you happiest as a teacher?
There are many things I see that make me happy as a teacher, but the number one thing to me is seeing students who have been struggling with a skill or task finally understand it. The look of enjoyment on their faces when they are no longer struggling is one of my favorites.
How do you contribute to/how are you involved in our community outside of school?
I have coached youth football teams, I tutor students in the summer, and I will be an assistant on the high school baseball staff this upcoming season.
What are your interests/hobbies outside of school?
Outside of school, I like to be around my family and friends, watch sports, and hang out with my dog, Oreo.
What do you wish your students/families knew about you?
I am planning to start a Masters program in the fall to get my administration degree to eventually become a principal.
What does Together We Rise mean to you?
Together We Rise means that we are all in this together. Being able to reach out to various people with differing perspectives is one thing I have enjoyed, and benefited from. There are so many aspects of teaching, and being able to get help from so many willing staff members is what rising together looks like.