FD schools name students, employee of the month
The Fort Dodge Community School District has named the March 2025 Students and Staff of the Month Honorees. This program recognizes one elementary, one middle school, and one high school student, as well as one staff member, monthly for exceeding expectations.
Gabriela Eliza Evans is the Elementary Student of the Month. Gabriela attends the Early Childhood Center.
Jen Cordle and Shaila Hanson nominated Gabriela, saying, “Gabi has demonstrated perseverance in learning skills and strategies to be a reader. She listens during Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 instruction and applies skills learned in phonics instruction to other components of her learning. She works hard at school and at home to develop the skills needed for successful reading and writing. She follows the core beliefs of Character Strong, which enables her to learn, even when tasks are a challenge. She learns from her mistakes and demonstrates grit when faced with a difficult learning experience.
“Gabi is kind and respectful to her classmates. During small group, she models characteristics of Character Strong to help herself and others to be successful. When a classmate is having a difficult time, Gabi is a leader modeling the appropriate behaviors and encouraging others to do the same. Classmates respect her and demonstrate responsibility after she models and encourages. She has a calm and kind demeanor and peers respond positively.
“Throughout her kindergarten year, Gabi has demonstrated perseverance and growth in reading skills. The tasks have been a challenge for her; however, she comes to school ready to do hard things. She is a leader in her classroom demonstrating responsibility, kindness, and a love of learning all day every day.
“Gabi has been working incredibly hard to learn her letter sounds and blending them into words. She started off not knowing any letter sounds and has now learned them all and has begun to blend sounds together to make words as well and segmenting words to write them out.
“Gabi is a friend to everyone. She is a go-to student of mine who is always willing to help out other students. Several of the students in our class will ask her for help if they need it, and she is always ready to help them. She is great at keeping others calm and cheering them up if they are upset. If a student is struggling to focus, she will try to help them get back on track and they look up to her.
“Gabi is deserving of this honor because she works super hard at her learning and is truly a model student. She is always wanting to help others and be their friend when they may not have someone to play with or they are upset. She is super kind to all teachers and always does her work. I have loved seeing how much she has improved in her learning and Gabi is always willing to work hard to master a skill.”
Kameron Castro is the Middle School Student of the Month.
The 7 Plum team nominated Kameron. In their nomination, they wrote, “Kameron always does his work and follows directions. He does quality work and turns everything in on time. Kameron is a quiet leader. He is kind and respectful to both peers and adults. Kameron follows expectations and is a great student.”
Allison Utley is the Senior High Student of the Month.
Amber Rouse nominated Utley, saying, “Allison works hard, holds herself to a higher level, and will put in extra time and effort when needed. She has stepped up as a leader this year. I was impressed by her coaching of freshmen in speech. She was truly supportive and built strong relationships.
“I caught Allí in a true moment of compassion and leadership at contest. I found her hugging a crying student from another school. I watched as she comforted and calmed the student who was having a panic attack. When I asked her about it, she said the girl obviously needed help so she helped.”
Christie Swanson is the Staff Member of the Month.
Jen Cordle and Sally Hiveley nominated Christie Swanson, writing, “Christie has truly been my right hand in my first year working post-college, and she has had a significant impact on my growth both professionally and personally. She consistently goes above and beyond by sharing valuable resources to help me deepen my understanding of student support. No matter how many questions I ask, she never makes me feel bad for seeking guidance, and she continuously expresses gratitude for the work I contribute. Christie’s support, mentorship, and dedication to the ECC is so meaningful, and I’m incredibly thankful for her.
“Christie’s character is truly exceptional. She works tirelessly for her students, going far beyond just academic support. She provides valuable resources for teachers who may be struggling and always ensures that her students’ basic needs are met. Christie goes above and beyond in ways that make a real difference — she always brings breakfast to our office for students who may need it, has donated her own sons’ clothing to students in need, and never complains about going the extra mile to help, whether it’s for students or staff. Christie gives students a fresh start each day and never doubts student potential. Her selflessness and dedication to both her students and colleagues reflect her incredible character.
“Christie is a leader at the ECC. She brings an abundance of knowledge in working with students developing academic and social/emotional skills. She is patient and persistent with students and staff on a daily basis. Christie comes to work each day with the mindset that ‘every day is a new day.’ She collaborates and cooperates with teachers, paras, administrators, and support staff to ensure we are doing what is best for students all day, every day.
“Christie models all the traits of Character Strong on a daily basis in her interactions with students and staff. The three traits that she has exemplified in recent months are: empathy, perseverance, and cooperation. Christie leads the building staff in the cooperation needed to teach and model Character Counts through daily lessons, monthly assemblies, and classwide and individual recognition for those modeling the traits. She perseveres with our students needing support in following building expectations. She builds relationships with these students, communicates and cooperates with families and other staff, and believes in the students, knowing they will reach success. Christie has empathy for the students and the staff working with the students, yet also maintains high expectations for these individuals, knowing that we all can do hard things when we cooperate and persevere.”