From our files: March 2010

-Messenger file photo
Tech. Sgt. Zach Heck, right, serving with the 133rd Test Squadron and recent Air Force enlistee Jacob Rockow look over the recently installed plaque at Fort Dodge Senior High School honoring 1938 graduate Darrell R. Lindsey who was awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II. Lindsey saved the life of his B-26 crew by keeping the burning craft under control till they could bail out. He was killed in the resulting crash. Heck graduated from Fort Dodge Senior High School in 2001, Rockow in 2008. The Medal of Honor is the United States highest military honor.
-Messenger file photo
Tech. Sgt. Zach Heck, right, serving with the 133rd Test Squadron and recent Air Force enlistee Jacob Rockow look over the recently installed plaque at Fort Dodge Senior High School honoring 1938 graduate Darrell R. Lindsey who was awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II. Lindsey saved the life of his B-26 crew by keeping the burning craft under control till they could bail out. He was killed in the resulting crash. Heck graduated from Fort Dodge Senior High School in 2001, Rockow in 2008. The Medal of Honor is the United States highest military honor.