
FDCSD board moves forward with boundary option No. 2

The Fort Dodge Community School District is a step closer to having new elementary boundaries to start the 2018-19 school year.

The board approved boundary option No. 2 at its meeting Monday night.

“Over the years as buildings have been closed and repurposed and other facilities filled up we have had different pockets of neighborhoods go to different schools than what would be their home school,” Superintendent Doug Van Zyl said.

The district held two separate forums in recent months for the public to weigh in on the proposed changes.

The public had the opportunity to view two different options on two different maps.

“A majority of people seemed to lean towards option two,” Superintendent Doug Van Zyl said. “It keeps the capacity of the schools more in alignment and moves the fewest numbers of students. It’s not a huge change of what we have now. It removes those pockets and Badger would be going to Cooper.”

New boundaries will mean changes for some families.

The boundaries directly impact where students are sent based on geographic location.

A copy of the map showing option No. 2 can be found here.

The maps can also be viewed at the Central Administration Building, 104 S. 17th St.

RSP and Associates was hired by the district to reconfigure the borders.

RSP is an education planning firm. It used current trends in city population, growth projections and school building capacities among other factors to produce boundary maps.

According to Van Zyl, the district will now field questions pertaining to option No. 2.

The board will present information on those questions at its next board meeting.

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