Making a splash
Inaugural TWINterfest raises funds for 2 fire departments
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Bill Stephenson, organizer of TWINterfest, flies through the air before plunging into 33-degree water Saturday at Twin Lakes. Stephenson, who signed up for the polar plunge as “Fat Thor,” embraced the cold for the benefit of the Manson and Rockwell City fire departments. Money raised from the event went directly to those two departments, which serve Twin Lakes.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Spectators react after Bill Stephenson plunges into the water at Twin Lakes on Saturday.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Brad Wright, of Windsor Heights, braces for the cold water during a polar plunge event at Twin Lakes Saturday. The event benefited the Manson and Rockwell City fire departments.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Manson and Rockwell City firefighters relax during the polar plunge challenge at Twin Lakes on Saturday.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Will Johnson, 17, of Newell, shows off his acrobatic skills Saturday during a polar plunge at Twin Lakes.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Will Johnson, 17, of Newell, reacts after taking a polar plunge Saturday at Twin Lakes.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Finley tracks down a ball on the ice at Twin Lakes Saturday.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Finley, of Newell, trots along the ice Saturday at Twin Lakes after tracking down a ball.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Shane Voith, Rockwell City emergency management coordinator, basks in the sun Saturday at Twin Lakes.
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Dozens of people enjoyed their time on the ice Saturday during TWINterfest at Twin Lakes.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Bill Stephenson, organizer of TWINterfest, flies through the air before plunging into 33-degree water Saturday at Twin Lakes. Stephenson, who signed up for the polar plunge as "Fat Thor," embraced the cold for the benefit of the Manson and Rockwell City fire departments. Money raised from the event went directly to those two departments, which serve Twin Lakes.
TWIN LAKES — The events at the inaugural TWINterfest on Saturday made a splash — quite literally — to bolster the volunteer fire departments of Manson and Rockwell City.
Over 10 participants jumped into the icy water at Twin Lakes for a polar plunge fundraiser. It netted the fire departments thousands of dollars. One girl raised over $2,500 on her own, according to Bill Stephenson, organizer of the event.
Stephenson contributed to the cause himself. Known as “Fat Thor,” he was the first one to belly flop into the 33-degree water. Some of the participants made such an impact that onlookers got a little water splashed on them.
Will Johnson, 17, of Newell, showed off his acrobatic skills as he flipped into the air and sank into the water.
Johnson had some choice words in the aftermath, but said he would do it again.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Spectators react after Bill Stephenson plunges into the water at Twin Lakes on Saturday.
“I would do it again,” he said. “But not right now.”
Seth Menke, of Fonda, also gave it a go. His mother convinced him.
“She put me up to it,” he said. “I thought it would be easier than it was. It was pretty cold.”
With the worst of the day behind him, Menke planned to warm up and go ice skating later in the day.
In the days leading up to the event, temperatures dipped below zero and stayed there for quite sometime.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Brad Wright, of Windsor Heights, braces for the cold water during a polar plunge event at Twin Lakes Saturday. The event benefited the Manson and Rockwell City fire departments.
Saturday, however, temperatures rose to 38 degrees, making the conditions quite pleasant for most — even with a brisk wind.
The ice was plenty stable and provided a variety of activities for families to enjoy.
There was an ATV/UTV/Car Poker Run and Snowmobile Poker Run. Event goers watched the Ice Oval Races with motorcycles, ATVs and UTVs racing on the ice.
At the Twin Lakes Bible Camp, there was ice skating, broomball games, several fire pits and s’mores kits for purchase, a BBQ lunch and concessions, warm-up stations with hot chocolate, hot cider, and cookies available for purchase, barrel sleigh rides, ice bowling on the lake, and a slingshot kite exhibition.
Snow yoga in Twin Lakes State Park was another recreational option for visitors.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Manson and Rockwell City firefighters relax during the polar plunge challenge at Twin Lakes on Saturday.
The event was completely volunteer driven and geared toward fundraising for charities around the lake, such as Twin Lakes Bible Camp.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Will Johnson, 17, of Newell, shows off his acrobatic skills Saturday during a polar plunge at Twin Lakes.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Will Johnson, 17, of Newell, reacts after taking a polar plunge Saturday at Twin Lakes.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Finley tracks down a ball on the ice at Twin Lakes Saturday.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Finley, of Newell, trots along the ice Saturday at Twin Lakes after tracking down a ball.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Shane Voith, Rockwell City emergency management coordinator, basks in the sun Saturday at Twin Lakes.

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Dozens of people enjoyed their time on the ice Saturday during TWINterfest at Twin Lakes.