
New assistant fire chief appointed

Price to begin his role in reinstated position on Oct. 31

-Messenger photo by Kelby Wingert
Fort Dodge Fire Rescue Chief Steve Hergenreter, right, swears in the newly-appointed Assistant Chief Matt Price on Monday evening at the fire station. Price will begin his duties with the department on Oct. 31.

A new assistant fire chief has been added to the ranks of the Fort Dodge Fire Department.

Matthew Price, who was most recently a captain and emergency medical service supervisor for the Johnston-Grimes Metropolitan Fire Department, was appointed by the City Council Monday.

“I’m excited to come to Fort Dodge,” he told the council. “I’m ready to work hard for the citizens every day.”

His first day on the job will be Oct. 31. His starting salary will be $104,332.

Fort Dodge has not had an assistant fire chief for several years. The position was reinstated by the City Council during the preparation of the 2022-2023 budget.

“Our department has experienced great change in the last five years, perhaps the most change we’ve had in our 160-plus year history,” Fire Chief Steve Hergenreter said Monday.

He said the number of emergency calls it responds to has doubled in that time. The department also assumed full responsibility for providing paramedic level ambulance service in that time. Previously, UnityPoint Health — Trinity Regional Medical Center was the primary provider.

Price was one of two finalists for the position. Neither of the finalists were current members of the Fort Dodge Fire Department.

Price was a member of the Johnston-Grimes department for nine and a half years.

He has a bachelor’s degree in fire administration from Waldorf University in Forest City and a master’s of public administration degree from Drake UnIversity in Des Moines.

He has the following certifications: Fire Officer II, Fire Department Instructor II, paramedic, fire inspector and hazardous materials operations.

His wife, Natalie, is a Fort Dodge native. They have two sons.


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