
Off-road utility vehicles get the all clear in Fort Dodge

FD City Council passes ordinance permitting UTVs

Off-road utility vehicles will be able to travel on the streets of Fort Dodge after the City Council gave final approval to the necessary ordinance Monday.

The measure came before the council for the second of three readings Monday.

But during public comment on it, Jamie Johll, the Webster County engineer who is a Fort Dodge resident, urged the council to waive the third reading. He said the plan has “pretty wide support.”

The council unanimously approved the second reading of the ordinance. Then on a motion by Councilman Quennel McCaleb, the council unanimously voted to set aside its usual procedure and made the proposal final Monday night.

One resident spoke against the proposal Monday.

Only off-road utility vehicles will be allowed on the streets. The ordinance defines those vehicles as having four to eight wheels and either bucket seats or bench seats. Any machine a rider has to straddle would not be legal on the streets. Four-wheelers and snowmobiles remain illegal.

Anyone wishing to drive a UTV on the streets would have to be 18, have a valid driver’s license and possess insurance.

UTV drivers would have to comply with a 35 mph speed limit.

While the machines will be allowed on all streets, the drivers would have to take the most direct path to a designated UTV route and stay on that route for most of their trip.

Someone convicted of violating the UTV ordinance would face a $250 fine.

Being convicted of a second such offense in one calendar year would result in a $500 fine.

Third and subsequent offenses in one calendar year would result in an $855 fine.

The ordinance is in response to a law signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds in June that allows registered off-highway vehicles on non-interstate highways and paved secondary roads.

Designated UTV routes

These are the designated UTV routes included in the ordinance which was approved by the Fort Dodge City Council Monday.

• 32nd Street from 15th Avenue South to 25th Avenue North

• 25th Avenue North from North 32nd Street to North 22nd Street

• 22nd Street from 15th Avenue South to 25th Avenue North

• 29th Street from 10th Avenue North to 22nd Avenue North

• 10th Avenue North from North 32nd Street to North 15th Street

• Second Avenue North from North 32nd Street to North 12th Street

• First Avenue South from 42nd Street to Third Street

• Fifth Avenue South from 42nd Street to Eighth Street

• Floral Avenue from North 22nd Street to North 15th Street

• Sixth Avenue North from 22nd Street to Ninth Street

• Seventh Avenue North from 22nd Street to Ninth Street

• 15th Street from North 31st Street to Ninth Avenue South

• Third Avenue Northwest from U.S. Highway 169 to North Third Street

• Third Street from 11th Avenue North to Second Avenue South

• Seventh Street from the city limits to Second Avenue South

• 15th Avenue South from 22nd Street to 32nd Street

• Second Avenue South (Karl King Bridge)

• Kenyon Road

• Williams Drive

• Ninth Street from Eighth Avenue North to Second Avenue South

• 42nd Street from First Avenue South to the city limits

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