New fire truck ready for action

-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
The new Fort Dodge fire truck is seen in front of the firehouse at Central Avenue and 15th Street Friday evening. Built by Pierce Manufacturing, of Appleton, Wisconsin, it can pump 1,750 gallons of water per minute. It carries 500 gallons of water to put out small fires and to start the initial attack on larger fires. It also carries 25 gallons of foam to put out fires involving flammable liquids. The truck was delivered at the end of February and is expected to go in service for emergency calls today.
-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
The new Fort Dodge fire truck is seen in front of the firehouse at Central Avenue and 15th Street Friday evening. Built by Pierce Manufacturing, of Appleton, Wisconsin, it can pump 1,750 gallons of water per minute. It carries 500 gallons of water to put out small fires and to start the initial attack on larger fires. It also carries 25 gallons of foam to put out fires involving flammable liquids. The truck was delivered at the end of February and is expected to go in service for emergency calls today.