Skatepark contract approved
Construction could begin this summer
-Messenger photo by Kelby Wingert
Tyler Schmieder, of Fort Dodge, spent some time on his skateboard at the Dean Hearn Skateboard Park near the North Seventh Street Bridge on Monday evening. During Monday’s Fort Dodge City Council meeting, the council approved the contract for the comstruction of a new city skatepark, which will be located just north of Sunkissed Meadows Frisbee Golf Course.

-Messenger photo by Kelby Wingert
Tyler Schmieder, of Fort Dodge, spent some time on his skateboard at the Dean Hearn Skateboard Park near the North Seventh Street Bridge on Monday evening. During Monday's Fort Dodge City Council meeting, the council approved the contract for the comstruction of a new city skatepark, which will be located just north of Sunkissed Meadows Frisbee Golf Course.
Construction on a new skatepark in Fort Dodge’s Riverfront District could begin as soon as late summer now that the City Council has approved a contract for the project.
The council approved a $547,827.87 contract with Spohn Ranch Skateparks, of Los Angeles, California. Spohn Ranch has developed skateparks across the country, and also nearby in Waterloo, Marion, Fairfield, Oskaloosa and West Des Moines. According to Lori Branderhorst, director of parks, recreation and forestry, the type of construction needed for a skatepark is unique and there were no local companies that met the guidelines or were interested in the bid for the project.
The City Council voted unanimously to approve the contract on Monday evening. The bulk of the cost — $500,000 — will come from American Rescue Plan Act funds that were granted specifically for recreation and tourism, Branderhorst said. Another $36,000 will come from the general obligation bonds already issued by the city for the Riverfront District development projects.
The existing Dean Hearn Skateboard Park, which is tucked just below and west of the North Seventh Street Bridge, will remain, Branderhorst said.
“Dr. Kevin Schminke and his family were really big advocates of building a skatepark and they raised the funds that built that little park down there and dedicated it to Dean Hearn,” she said. “That park’s not going away.”
Branderhorst said that over the years, she and the City Council have received many requests from community members to have the park expanded.
“They all felt it wasn’t big enough and it was in a location that is not very well seen,” she said.
Branderhorst said that when Councilman Cameron Nelson was elected, one of his priorities was to look into building a new skatepark. That also lined up with the city starting to work on its Central River District plan, which starts at Loomis Park and runs down along the Des Moines River to Sunkissed Meadows.
“Finally, finally, finally, after all these years, we are going to take the river that runs through us and make it a destination site,” Branderhorst said.
The new skatepark will be about 6,000 square feet and located at the north end of Sunkissed Meadows Disc Golf Course, near a parking lot and a trail kiosk that includes a marker honoring former U.S. Rep. Tom Latham.
Tyler Schmieder, of Fort Dodge, spent some time Monday evening at the Dean Hearn Skateboard Park and said he’s looking forward to the new skatepark.
“I think that it is a step in the right direction,” he said. “There’s a lot of youth out there and a lot of love for the sport and it’s kind of hard to showcase that here. It’s kind of limited here.”
The skatepark will also be for more than just skateboards — inline skates, bicycles and non-electric scooters will be welcomed too.
“Kids can do tricks on those little scooters as well,” Branderhorst said. “It is meant to be multipurpose for kids with different equipment.”
The process for this project started back in January. A group of stakeholders were part of the planning process, Branderhorst said.
Councilman Terry Moehnke asked about plans for lighting, security cameras and seating at the facility. Branderhorst said due to budget constraints, those features weren’t included in this initial project proposal, but she plans to begin looking into avenues of funding to add them in the future.
Prior to the council’s approval of the contract, a public hearing was held to give residents the opportunity to comment on the proposal. No written comments were submitted prior to the hearing and no one was present at the hearing to speak.