
Virtual program offers tips for parenting

AMES — Raising children can be rewarding but it also can be challenging for families, says Malisa Rader, a human sciences specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. To better handle the challenges, parents and caregivers are invited to the next virtual sessions of “ACT Raising Safe Kids.”

The workshops teach positive parenting skills to parents and caregivers of children from birth to age 8. The series of lessons is sponsored by ISU Extension and Outreach. New virtual sessions begin Feb. 27 and March 1.

“We are excited to bring this educational offering virtually to families,” said Rader, who specializes in family life issues. “It is what ISU Extension and Outreach has done for over 100 years — respond to the needs of Iowans where they are.”

In the series of lessons, parents and caregivers will gain strategies for:

• Dealing with children’s difficult behaviors using developmentally appropriate responses.

• Controlling their own anger.

• Helping children control their anger.

• Teaching children how to resolve conflicts without using violence.

• Using positive discipline methods that fit a child’s age.

• Reducing the influence of media violence on children.

Participants will receive the ACT Parent Handbook, which includes sets of fact sheets with information on children’s typical problem behaviors and outlines basic child development information. The handbook also includes handouts on anger management, positive discipline, media literacy and positive ways to resolve conflict.

The program is based on research that indicates that effective parenting is a critical factor to prevent youth behavior problems, said Rader.

Parents, foster parents, grandparents, primary caregivers and others in a parenting role are encouraged to attend the upcoming series scheduled for Thursday evenings starting Feb. 27 or Friday afternoons starting March 1. Iowa foster parent credit is available. Professionals working with families are encouraged to share this information with clients.

The ACT Raising Safe Kids series consists of nine two-hour sessions. Cost is $40 per family. For a financial scholarship, contact Malisa Rader at mrader@iastate.edu or 515-708-0622. For more information or to register, visit www.extension.iastate.edu/humansciences/act.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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