
Generations of Families, Together as One

41st Friends of St. Edmond Ball set for May 4

-Submitted photo
The 41st annual Friends of St. Edmond Ball will be held May 4. Demonstrating this year's theme, "Generations of Families, Together as One," ball co-chairs Chris and Gina Carzoli and Brett and Theresa Webster pose with members of their families. In back from left, are Max Webster, Chris Carzoli, Gina Carzoli, Theresa Webster, Brett Webster and Grant Webster. In front, from left, are Jack Webster, Henry Carzoli, Harrison Carzoli and Abby Webster.

The 41st annual Friends of St. Edmond Ball is set to take place on May 4.

Best Western Starlite Village Inn & Suites, 1518 Third Ave. N.W., will once again serve as the host site, with co-chairs this year being Chris and Gina Carzoli and Brett and Theresa Webster. The event begins at 6 p.m.

The theme is “Generations of Families, Together as One,” to celebrate the family culture of the school.

“We are a third generation St. Edmond family and are looking forward to meeting those who are just joining our community,” Theresa Webster said. “Whether you’re a multiple generation family or a one and only, we all are united with the same goals that our school provides.”

Eighth-grader Irene Song created the logo that will be used in print and Emma Barwin created one to be used at the ball as decoration.

-Messenger file photo by Britt Kudla
Pauline Base, left, and Samantha Lennon, both of Fort Dodge, study necklaces during the silent auction at the 40th annual Friends of St. Edmond Ball on May 6, 2023, at the Best Western Starlite Village Inn and Suites.

A buffet dinner will be served until 7:30 p.m. The Spirit of St. Edmond Awards will be presented during the dinner. Both live and silent auctions are set. Online bidding began April 20 at www.biddingforgood.com/seball and will be available through May 4.

“We are excited to bring out the teacher wish list board,” Gina Carzoli said. “I love to be a part of anything that gives back and helps support our teachers and staff.”

There will also be a wine and whiskey pull as Salty View provides live entertainment.

“We have really enjoyed our time at the ball the last few years and wanted to get more involved and give back,” Chris Carzoli said.

Awards will be handed out for alumni (Jon Flattery), past parents (Michael and Mary Frischmeyer), family (Steve and Shelly Doster), superior service (Nancy Richman) and faculty citation (Sister Delores Hannon).

The Friends of St. Edmond Golf Outing is set for Friday, May 3, at the Fort Dodge Country Club. To register, email Susan Laufersweiler at susanl@st-edmond.com or text (515) 302-1122.

The St. Edmond Alumni and Friends Basketball Tournament will also be taking place on Saturday, May 4. For more information, contact Neil Flattery at (515) 570-7894 neil@trevinocpas.com.

Raffles for a car, tuition/voucher and spoil the staff will take place.

Funds raised during the event support the operating costs of the school. Live coverage of the event will be streamed on Facebook.

‘Generations of Families, Together as One’

What: 41st annual Friends of St. Edmond Ball

When: 6 p.m. Saturday, May 4

Where: Best Western Starlite Village Inn & Suites

Co-chairs: Chris and Gina Carzoli, Brett and Theresa Webster

Starting at $2.99/week.

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