
Making a family tradition

Johnsons have bright vision for Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center owner Destinee Johnson puts in a plant on the company’s new propagation wall.

Kyle Johnson still has the shirt he made when he was 12 years old.

During the summer months, Johnson would get on his bicycle, drag his push lawn mower and go door to door, looking for lawns to mow for a small fee.

He designed a shirt that said, “Johnson Brothers” on it.

Fourteen years ago, fresh out of college, Johnson brought his dream to life and created Johnson Bros Snow and Mow for the Fort Dodge area.

When Becker Florist owners Jeff, Brian, Bruce and Linda Becker decided to sell their iconic Fort Dodge business — a staple in the community since 1885 — Johnson saw an opportunity similar to the one he embraced as a young entrepreneur.

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
Greenhouse managers Michael Oberg and Tiphanie Berger stand with plants in the greenhouse.

The Fort Dodge native knew this was a chance to expand his business. With his wife, Destinee, and brother, Cole, Johnson made the move. And now a new family owns and operates Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center.

“The Becker family business has been in Fort Dodge for over 130 years, and we want the Johnson family to be here for the next 100,” Kyle Johnson said. “My daughter Mason (who is currently 5 years old) and I joke together, and she says, ‘When I get older, I’m going to help you cut the grass and help mommy at Becker Florist.

“It’s super cool. There are lots of emotions that go with making this grow.”

Kyle and Cole Johnson want to take what they have at Becker’s now and make it grow, serving Fort Dodge and surrounding communities.

“We have a huge vision for Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center,” Kyle Johnson said. “We want and have the ability to take it to a new level.”

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center owners Kyle Johnson (left) and Cole Johnson (right) load a tree into a truck.

“Our product will change some and our prices will change as well, but the care for people and the customer service we offer will be the same standard as before.”

The brothers jumped at the chance to bring the family business together with this new venture.

“Cole was on the road for the longest time and came back home,” Kyle Johnson said. “He came back and brought Johnson Bros back together. Buying Becker’s sealed the deal.”

With a new baby in tow, Cole Johnson is looking forward to a new chapter with the Becker Florist opportunity back home. He and his girlfriend, Brianna Barkema, have a 6-month-old daughter, Logan.

“For the past four or five years, I’ve been doing tree work. I found out I was having a baby and I decided to root down here and focus on tree work locally,” Cole Johnson said. “We want the people that we serve to know that we can be a one-stop shop now for all of your needs. We are always looking to grow and expand.”

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
Customers shop in the greenhouse through an abundance of plants and flowers to choose from.

He is looking forward to the challenges ahead with his brother by his side.

“Both of us started out at a young age, knocking on doors and mowing yards,” Cole Johnson said. “Kyle carried on from there and was able to build his business (in the area).”

“Kyle has been going strong for 10 years with Johnson Bros. and has been doing great work with Jake Schmidt, who is one of the key pieces to his operation,” Cole Johnson said. “I went in a different path originally. But Jake has a great vision and brings knowledge and is very invested. I’m more of a laborer who does what it takes and gets moving.

“We work really well together.”

Michael Oberg and Tiphanie Berger will manage the greenhouse.

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
A fern plant is shown on the new propagation wall. A cutting is taken from a plant and started in water until it grows roots and is then planted in dirt.

Since February, the Johnsons — who also retained many of the employees from the original business — have been running the store. One of the bigger holidays, Valentine’s Day, came first. Mother’s Day is this weekend, which is another chance for the business to reintroduce itself to the public.

“We just want people to know it’s the same place — just different faces,” Kyle Johnson said. “We have a lot of new things and we want to keep growing with the community.

“We want Becker Florist to be a one-stop shop.”

Kyle Johnson’s skill set has expanded with each passing year in the business.

“I started with lawn care and fertilizing and worked at Lawn Doctor for a year,” he said. “I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge. I want to be the best and I want to have room to grow.

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
Here is a look at a plant in propagation, then the same plant as a potted plant.

“I’m self taught and I put a lot of faith in my reps. I have built a good clientele. They know they can trust me.”

The work now begins to both re-establish themselves and push for a new era.

“We have big boots to fill and we want the support of the community,” he said. “We want to make a stand. We want to put up hoop houses, grow our own seedlings, start everything on our own and span out.

“Johnson Bros and Becker Garden Center are kind of merging into one. Johnson Bros will be more the lawn care side still, and Becker’s will be more than a garden center. There are going to be changes. There will be a lot more to offer. Beckers has been in the community for over 100 years and has made a lot of connections. We want to continue that tradition while making our own mark as well.”

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, the Johnsons are in preparation for their second big holiday surge.

“This is our first year, and we came in right at the busiest days during (the) Valentine’s Day (stretch),” Kyle Johnson said. “Next year will be when we really start to grow.

“The cut flowers are a huge thing, and I don’t think we will change a lot with that. We want to expand the gift shop and add options there as well.”

When customers walk in the door, they will see a rainbow of colors in both the main and the back greenhouses. Hanging baskets are everywhere, as well as a large selection of trees.

“The first planting is out and we are more than likely out of the frost time,” Kyle Johnson said. “We have a large inventory of what everyone wants.”

Becker Florist will also offer a new aspect with a propagation wall. Destinee Johnson had the idea of taking cuttings from plants and putting them in water tubes and growing plants from the cuttings.

With Cole Johnson’s speciality being trees, Becker Florist will have all the bases covered there as well.

“We will take a hazardous tree or any tree down and offer the same-day situation of planting as well,” Cole Johnson said. “People hate to take trees down, but want to plant new ones to replace them.”

The brothers feel like the sky’s the limit for this new venture in and around Fort Dodge.

“We are young and have a lot of energy,” Cole Johnson said. “We have new and different products. We are going to have to wear many hats with the flower shop, greenhouse and mowing.

“We are fired up and going full-bore … we are all-in.”

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center owners Cole Johnson (left) and Kyle Johnson (right) stand by a selection of trees.

-Messenger photo by Chris Johnson
This is a look into the main greenhouse of Becker Florist and Johnson Bros Lawn and Garden Center.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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