FDSH to get advanced anatomy teaching tool
School board approves $115K purchase
-Submitted photo
An Iowa Central Community College student uses one of the new Anatomage tables to learn human anatomy.

-Submitted photo
An Iowa Central Community College student uses one of the new Anatomage tables to learn human anatomy.
An impressive growth in students seeking backgrounds in health occupation careers and studies has led the Fort Dodge Community School District to move forward on purchasing a cutting-edge anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool.
The district’s Board of Education voted Tuesday to buy an Anatomage table from Anatomage Inc., of Santa Clara, California, for $115,635.
“We’ve had over 600 students taking classes in this area of study,” Superintendent Josh Porter told the board. “We looked into an Anatomage table due to discussions with Kylie O’Leary, our high school health occupations teacher.”
“From there, we went to the community foundation and pursued a grant for funding,” he added. “The foundation had half of the cost and fundraised the other half.”
The Fort Dodge Community Schools Foundation provided $60,000 for the table in one of its largest ever grants.
The remaining money needed to buy the table came from UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge, Calvert & Johnson Insurance, Iowa Central Community College and Dr. Joseph Schmoker and his wife, Tracy (Hurdel) Schmoker, of Missoula, Montana. Both of them are Fort Dodge Senior High School graduates.
According to Porter, the equipment is something few high schools have available.
“Two years ago, we saw one that Boston University had,” he said. “It really is remarkable what it can do.”
According to the Anatomage.com web site, it is the most technologically advanced 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education and is being adopted by many of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions.
“You can use it for muscle and tendon labeling, dissection and so much more,” Porter said.