A Thriving Community
Fort Dodge receives statewide accolade for housing initiatives
Fort Dodge is one of six communities honored as the state’s 2025 Iowa Thriving Communities for its efforts to address housing needs and to leverage innovative methods to attract housing opportunities for the workforce.
The Iowa Finance Authority and Iowa Economic Development Authority notified Fort Dodge of the award designation last Friday. The process of receiving the valuable distinction, however, has been a work in progress since the early spring.
According to Vickie Reeck, the city’s community and economic development manager, the city first submitted a hefty written application in early May and were notified on June 11 that Fort Dodge had been named a finalist in the Iowa Thriving Communities process. The city was then asked to pitch Fort Dodge at the IFA and IEDA office in Des Moines on July 8.
City leadership, including Mayor Matt Bemrich; Astra Ferris, CEO of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance; Jefferson Fosbender, economic development director at the Growth Alliance; Josh Porter, superintendent of the Fort Dodge Community School District; Paige Wheeler, community development manager for the City of Fort Dodge; and Amanda Holmes, communications manager for the City of Fort Dodge, along with Reeck, collaborated on the presentation which explained how Fort Dodge is proactively welcoming housing developments for all income levels within the community.
“We’re very excited to be picked,” Bemrich said. “We’ll wait to see how the program is rolled out and how we can use it to benefit our community.”
“It was a group effort,” added Reeck. “There was a lot of staff time dedicated to the process, and I appreciate all of the effort that went into making this happen for Fort Dodge.”
As part of the city leadership’s presentation to the IFA and IEDA, they had to demonstrate that Fort Dodge has neighborhood or specific sites that are development-ready and are a priority for housing developments. They also had to show the city has incentives in place to support developers that are ready to invest in the community. According to Reeck, they provided the Williams Bend/Williams Ridge Area, which has several lots ready for development on the east side along with approximately 39 acres on the west side. They also showcased the Northwest River District, which was recently awarded a $1.5 million grant for streetscape, infrastructure, and owner-occupied housing rehabilitation.
The city was also asked to share about employer partnerships that are currently in place to advance housing opportunities and workforce retention. Ferris and Fosbender provided information on their Community Concierge program, which is a new program that matches prospective new residents with existing, involved community members to provide personalized assistance to the community and resources.
With the designation as an Iowa Thriving Community, Fort Dodge has been awarded incentive points for both the Workforce Housing Tax Credit and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit programs which will encourage developer interest in investing in the city. All 2025 Iowa Thriving Communities will also receive incentive points for the HOME program and Community Catalyst Program.
“I’m very excited and proud for Fort Dodge to receive this designation,” said Reeck. “We have so much going on in our economic development pipeline, as well as local expansions. We have to get the housing built to meet the needs of the workforce that will come along with it.”
The city of Fort Dodge will be represented at the Housing Iowa Conference at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines Sept. 3-4. On Sept. 4, the city will give a short presentation along with the other 2025 Iowa Thriving Communities award winners and will have an exhibitor’s booth throughout the conference.
Fort Dodge joins Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Mason City, Newton, and Waterloo who also received the 2025 designation from the Iowa Finance Authority.
The Iowa Finance Authority and Iowa Economic Development Authority introduced the Iowa Thriving Communities designation last year to elevate best practices and leverage innovative methods to attract housing opportunities.