
Making her maiden voyage

Fort Dodge man completes Model AA project in time for Cruise to the Woods

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Wayne Lussman, of Fort Dodge, checks a setting on the engine Sunday afternoon as he shows his 1929 Ford Model AA truck at the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show at Lizard Creek Ranch. Sunday was the debut appearance of the hot rod that he's spent nine years creating.

When Wayne Lussman, of Fort Dodge, started working on turning a 1929 Ford Model AA that consisted of a pair of rusty fenders, the cab and a frame, into a finished hot rod, it was nine years ago.

On Sunday, the completed work of automotive art made its first appearance at the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show on the grounds of the Lizard Creek Event Center just west of Fort Dodge.

“It’s her maiden voyage,” he said. “It was originally a flatbed — 1 1/2 ton; it was their big truck.”

He had originally planned to make it into a short bed pickup. Instead he hand-crafted a wooden box with a pair of windows and a swinging door — all made to resemble prison bars.

“It morphed into this,” he said. “The padlock reads ‘San Quentin, Death Row.’ I do have a spare key at home.”

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Wayne Lussman, of Fort Dodge, unlocks the "cell door" on his 1929 Ford Model AA truck at the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show at the Lizard Creek Ranch. The padlock reads "San Quentin Death Row." Sunday was the debut appearance of the hot rod that he's spent nine years creating.

The truck now has considerably more horsepower than what Ford offered in 1929. The 460-cubic-inch engine produces 425 horsepower and 500-foot pounds of torque.

Visitors were enjoying it.

“They go, ‘cool,'” he said. “They’ve never seen anything like it.”

The countless hours he’s spent on the rod over the past nine years have given him a lot of relaxation.

“It’s like riding a motorcycle,” he said. “Everything disappears; all the stress goes away.”

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Eric Wildman, of Des Moines, center, chats with visitors about his current version of the National Lampoons Family Truckster at the Cruise to the Woods Car Show Sunday at Lizard Creek Ranch.

Lussman learned to work on vehicles from his dad, the late Willis Lussman.

“He was never into cars. He farmed,” Wayne Lussman said. “I took it a step further. I just hope he’s proud.”

Lussman ended up taking home a bit more than he arrived with. He received a recognition plaque from the Iowa Street Rod Association and a clock from the WC Cruisers Car club, which organized the show.

Getting to the cruise is a big part of the day for both participants and those who come out to watch.

Dolliver Memorial State Park is a favorite spot to watch the cars complete their trek from Stratford to the show site in Fort Dodge.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Eric Wildman, of Des Moines, gets ready to get some bad news from the moose about the park being closed as he shows his "Family Truckster" at the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show Sunday at Lizard Creek Ranch. This is the second version of the "National Lampoon's Vacation" car that's he's created.

Scott Harms, of Badger, was among the many who gathered there to watch the cars, socialize with friends and enjoy the hottest Bloody Marys for several counties.

“It’s all hot.” he said. “We use spicy pickle vodka, Zing Zang mixer, horseradish cocktail sauce, hot beef sticks.”

The only thing not spicy are the shrimp and the olives — and those would be if one could buy spicy shrimp and spicy olives.

“The older we get, our taste buds aren’t as good,” he said. “So we like a little kick.”

Eric Wildman, of Des Moines, brought his “Family Truckster” to the show, complete with blue Samsonite luggage and an empty dog collar on a leash — straight out of the movie, “National Lampoon’s Vacation.”

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Steve Harms, of Fort Dodge, freshens up one of his trademark spicy Bloody Marys Sunday morning while watching the cars drive through Dolliver Memorial State Park during the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show. Even the vodka he uses is spicy.

The current incarnation is version 2.0.

“I sold the first one,” Wildman said. “Now I’m building a new one.”

He said he decided to sell for several reasons — one, the money; the other, he’d gotten all the trophies and other accolades.

The original luggage went with the car, as did the original leash.

“I had to buy it all again. I had to build a new Aunt Edna too,” he said. “She’s a lot better.”

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Scott Harms, of Badger, at left, and his friend Steve Huss, of Fort Dodge, enjoy their Bloody Marys Sunday morning as they watch the cars come through Dolliver Memorial State Park for the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show. Harms makes the Bloody Mary with almost every single ingredient as spicy as can be found.

The car is pretty instantly recognized and often invites quotes from the film. One person driving by noticed the leash.

“We found your dog, a couple of miles back that way,” they said.

Wildman didn’t miss a beat.

“What kind of condition was it in?” he asked.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
One of the many participants in the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show drives through Dolliver Memorial State Park Sunday morning past a row of parked cars whose occupants were enjoying the show.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Hot rods make their way through Dolliver Memorial State Park Sunday morning as part of the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show. The route goes from Stratford to the Lizard Creek Ranch in Fort Dodge.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Spectators line the road Sunday afternoon at the Lizard Creek Ranch along Johnson Avenue to watch the cars arriving for the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Bryce Kaldenberg, of Slater, drives his 1939 Packard through Dolliver Memorial State Park Sunday morning for the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show. Kaldenberg said he’s never been asked for Grey Poupon mustard at a red light in his stately car of the same color.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Rich Crouse, of Fort Dodge, turns a burger Sunday afternoon while grilling next to a friend's 1955 Chevy at the annual Cruise to the Woods Car Show at Lizard Creek Ranch. His girlfriend, April Wood, of Fort Dodge, watches.

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