-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
In front from left are Isabelle Lazarz, of Fort Dodge, and Violet Lazarz, 14. In back from left, Elizabeth Lazarz of Fort Dodge, Meabh Lazarz, 5, of Fort Dodge, and Jakob Lazarz, of Fort Dodge, go trick or treating on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Aaron Swift, of Fort Dodge, and Nicole Samuelson, of Fort Dodge, take their children Oliver Swift, 1, of Fort Dodge, Chloe Samuelson, 8, and Isabella Swift, 6, trick or treating on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Bo Ulrich, 7, of Fort Dodge went trick or treating as a T-Rex on Thursday in Fort Dodge.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Lyla Bjorklund, 7, of Fort Dodge, went trick or treating as a witch on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Makenna Johnson, 1, of Fort Dodge, went trick or treating as Jesse from the “Toy Story” movies on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Randee Guynes, of Fort Dodge, left, takes her daughter Jade Boston-Worsley, 7, of Fort Dodge, trick or treating around Fort Dodge on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Selah Peterson, 16, of Fort Dodge, left, and Raven Schwieger, 17, of Fort Dodge, go trick or treating dressed up as skeletons on Thursday in Fort Dodge.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Carter Bjorklund, 9, of Fort Dodge dressed up as a Fortnite character during trick or treating on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Addison Dooley, 9, of Fort Dodge, skips down the sidewalk with her friends Brynn Dooley,6, of Fort Dodge, left, Adalyn Adams,8, of Fort Dodge, and Ellie Adams,9, of Fort Dodge go trick-n-treating on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Lily Lee, 10, of Fort Dodge, and her sister Autumn Lee, 13, of Fort Dodge, went to the trunk or treat event at Northfield Church of Christ on Thursday.
-Messenger photo
by Britt Kudla
Bret Underberg, 2, of Fort Dodge, digs through his bucket of candy during Northfield Church of Christ trunk or treat on Thursday.