Avenue C reopens to traffic
Intersection was widened for safety
The north side of the intersection of Kenyon Road and Avenue C reopened to traffic Monday after being closed for construction for nearly four months.
“Overall, the project has progressed smoothly,” said City Engineer Austin Morrow. “We are still waiting for the traffic signal equipment to arrive, and the contractor will be installing the permanent signals when it does.”
With Avenue C reopening, the first phase of the widening project is complete. According to Morrow, there will still be median work to be completed in the spring as well as to define the left turn lanes on Kenyon Road.
The work was completed alongside the nearby Kenyon Road Bridge project as it allowed shared traffic control set-up between the two projects.
The widening of the roadway was done to create protected left turn lanes on Kenyon Road for vehicles turning onto Avenue C. According to Iowa Department of Transportation data, approximately 40 incidents were recorded at the intersection in the past five years and nearly 70 incidents in the past 10 years.
“The widening and installation of the protected left turn lanes will make the intersection safer for motorists and also allow more free flowing traffic by getting the left turn movement out of the through lane,” said Morrow. “The new signal equipment will also help staff to coordinate the signals at the intersections of Avenue C and Avenue E (the hospital).”
Castor Construction, of Fort Dodge, was hired by the City Council in March to complete the project at a cost of $1,291,770.69.
“There is still additional work to complete on our project and with the Iowa DOT bridges,” said Morrow. “Motorists are urged to slow down through construction areas and use caution if you see flashing lights or workers near the roadway. We appreciate everyone’s patiences on this and other projects in town.”