Council moves to boost parking fines
Cost of a ticket would go up $5
-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
These signs on South Eighth Street between Central Avenue and First Avenue South spell out the parking restrictions in place there. Getting a ticket for violating those restrictions would get more expensive under a proposal launched by the Fort Dodge City Council Monday that would raise fines by $5.

-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
These signs on South Eighth Street between Central Avenue and First Avenue South spell out the parking restrictions in place there. Getting a ticket for violating those restrictions would get more expensive under a proposal launched by the Fort Dodge City Council Monday that would raise fines by $5.
Leaving a vehicle parked on a downtown Fort Dodge street longer than what is allowed will likely cost the offending driver a bit more in the future.
The City Council on Monday began the process of increasing parking fines.
Under the proposal now being advanced, the fine for a parking violation would go from $15 to $20. The cost of that parking ticket could go up to $35 if it isn’t paid in a timely manner.
The council on Monday approved the first reading of the measure that would raise the parking fine. Councilmembers Cameron Nelson and Lydia Schuur were absent from the otherwise unanimous vote.
There was no debate on the matter.
That measure must be approved two more times by the council, plus a separate resolution listing the fine amounts must be passed before the increase can go into effect.
Getting a parking ticket now results in a $15 fine. If that fine isn’t paid within 30 days, another $5 is added. If the ticket isn’t paid after 75 days, it is referred to the Webster County Treasurer’s Office for collection when the vehicle owner pays their registration fee. At that time the county adds a $5 fee.
Those amounts have been unchanged since 2011.
The proposal advanced by the council would raise that initial parking violation fine to $20. If it wasn’t paid within 30 days, another $10 would be added. If it wasn’t paid after 75 days, the ticket would be referred to the county Treasurer’s Office, and the county would add its $5 fee.
Under the proposal, a parking ticket could ultimately cost someone $35.