Budget, parking fines return to council table
Budget workshop set for 5 p.m., council meeting is at 6 p.m. tonight
The proposed 2025-2026 budget and an increase in fines for parking violations are again on the Fort Dodge City Council agenda for this evening.
The council meeting will begin at 5 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 819 First Ave. S., with a budget workshop. The spending plans for these agencies will be reviewed:
• Karl L. King Municipal Band.
• Blanden Memorial Art Museum.
• Visit Fort Dodge.
• Fire Department, including its ambulance service.
The council’s regular business meeting will begin at 6 p.m.
During that meeting, the council will consider the final reading of a measure that will increase the fine for parking violations from $15 to $20.
The council will also consider the second reading of an ordinance to implement a zoning change necessary for the construction of apartments along Third Avenue Northwest. Those apartments would be built on what is now city-owned property, so there is also an item on the agenda regarding the transfer of the property to the developer.
The council will also consider awarding a contract for various concrete work projects to be done in city parks.