
City budgets would maintain service levels

In an era of tight budgets, proposed spending plans presented to the Fort Dodge City Council Monday represented little change in the services already provided.

In its continuing review of the proposed 2025-2026 budget, the council on Monday heard proposals for the Fire Department, Visit Fort Dodge, the Blanden Memorial Art Museum and the Karl L. King Municipal Band.

The only notable change in any of those budgets was a request to move a part-time tourism and communications specialist for Visit Fort Dodge to 24 hours a week. That boost would be paid for with revenue from the city’s hotel/motel tax, not property taxes.

The proposed budget is for the fiscal year that begins July 1. However, the city must have its budget completed by the end of April to comply with state law.

The city government is facing a $400,000 deficit in its general fund. That fund pays for many government functions and derives its money mostly from property tax revenues.

City Manager David Fierke previously told the council that a state law has reduced property valuations and thus reduced revenue for the city, leading to the deficit.

Here is a summary of the budgets reviewed Monday:

Fire Department



Current: $3,586,498

Ambulance service provided by the Fire Department



Current: $1,133,282

The service is paid for by fees charged to patients’ insurance companies. The budget does not include any revenue that would be received if the voters approve emergency medical service as an essential service on March 4.

Visit Fort Dodge

Proposed: $413,011

Current: $354,427

Visit Fort Dodge receives 39 percent of its revenue from the city’s hotel/motel tax, which is added to lodging bills in the city.

Blanden Memorial

Art Museum

Proposed: $272,459

Current: $270,059

Karl L. King

Municipal Band

Proposed: $44,000

Current: $44,000

Starting at $2.99/week.

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