
FDCSD OKs plan to support English language learners

The Fort Dodge Community School District examined the integral English as a Second Language programs during Monday’s school board meeting.

Aaron Davidson, executive director of educational services, brought consideration of approval items dealing with a Lau plan for K-12 students and an English Language Learner Curriculum and Professional Advocacy resumption. A Lau plan outlines how a a distric will identify and provide appropriate educational support for English Language Learners (ELLs).

“This all comes down to the fact that it’s important for our ESL students, which number 186 from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade, to have this kind of support to be successful in their learning careers,” Davidson said.

The board approved the Lau plan and the ESL learner curriculum and professional learning.

William Kirchman and Alan Murphy, a pair of December University of Northern Iowa graduates, begin in their respective roles as grades 9-12 (Kirchman) and 6-8 (Murphy) teachers for the ESL program.

In other action items, the board:

• Appointed Keenan Schuur to continue in his role as representative on the Webster County Conference Board.

• Approved Feb. 10 as a public hearing date on the 2025-26 district calendar.

• Approved the second reading of Board Policy 100 Equal Educational Opportunity, 401.01 Equal Employment Opportunity, 401.06 Limitations to Employment References, 501.09 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy, 710.01-R(1) School Food Program — School Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaints Procedure, and 710.01-E(2) School Food Program — Civil Rights Complaint Form.

• Approved December monthly financial reports presented by Brandon Hansel, board financial chair. Hansel indicated the district brought in $20.8 million in revenue with $18.7 million in expenditures during the final month of 2024.

The next meeting of the school board is Feb. 10.

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