
Driver injured when semi collides with train

-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
The driver of this semi truck suffered minor injuries when it collided with a freight train west of Fort Dodge Monday morning. The crash happened at 9:55 a.m. at the entrance to White Transfer & Storage on Webster County Road D20. According to Webster County Chief Deputy Derek Christie, the 2024 Freightliner truck was exiting the business and stopped at a stop sign by the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. He said the driver did not see the oncoming train and pulled his truck forward to cross the tracks. Christie said the westbound train, traveling about 35 mph, hit the passenger side front tire of the truck. The truck driver, who Christie did not identify, was taken to UnityPoint Health — Trinity Regional Medical Center. Moorland firefighters and an ambulance from the Fort Dodge Fire Department responded to the crash along with sheriff’s deputies.

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