FD property tax gets no comments
No discussion during public hearing
The proposed Fort Dodge property tax levy of $20.75 per $1,000 of taxable value generated no discussion during a public hearing before the City Council Monday.
Mayor Matt Bemrich opened the required hearing by asking City Clerk Dawn Siebken if any written comments had been submitted. She reported that there were none.
Bemrich then asked for comments from the audience. About 25 people were sitting in the council meeting room, but none of them addressed the council. After a minute or two with no comments from the public, Bemrich closed the hearing.
Now that the state-mandated hearing is over, the proposed property tax levy cannot be increased. It can be reduced, however.
The $20.75 per $1,000 of taxable value levy rate is divided up as follows:
• $8.54 for the general fund, which pays for police and fire protection, plus a wide range of other government services.
• $6.54 for employee benefits.
• $4.50 to pay off general obligation bond debt.
• 76 cents for property and liability insurance.
• 33 cents to support Dodger Area Rapid Transit.
• 8 cents to support Webster County Emergency Management.
Establishing the property tax rate is a key step toward finalizing the budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1 and ends June 30, 2026. The council will act on final budget approval next month.