
Hands-free driving bill moves to Iowa House

Meyer confident that the bill has House support

A bill written by a local lawmaker that would require Iowa drivers to put their cell phones down has passed the House Transportation Committee and made it through funnel week.

“I am very optimistic the bill will be signed by the governor this year,” said state Rep. Ann Meyer, R-Fort Dodge. “I have enough support in the House to bring it to the floor.”

Meyer has repeatedly introduced legislation that would require drivers to use any electronic device in a hands-free mode.

While Meyer isn’t sure when the bill will come to the House floor, Kristi Castenson, of Harcourt, whose husband, Dave, was killed by a distracted driver 10 years ago, is encouraged by the movement of the bill.

“We continue to pray and show our support that this bill will pass and make it all the way through for Gov. Reynolds to sign,” said Castenson.

The bill, now named House File 827, and companion bill, Senate File 22, both cleared committee last week.

Funnel week is the name given to a legislative deadline. Most bills have to be approved by a committee in the chamber where they originated by the end of funnel week or they will be dead for the legislative session. Tax and spending bills are exempt from the funnel.

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