Polling place locations for March 4 election
Locations for the various polling places will be as follows:
Badger-Cooper-Newark Township
Badger Fire Station
150 First Ave. SE, Badger
Burnside-Elkhorn-Otho-Pleasant Valley-Sumner Township
Otho Community Center
220 Rake St., Otho
Clay-Fulton-Johnson-Roland Township
Moorland Community Center
416 Third St., Moorland
Colfax-Hardin-Washington-Webster-Yell Township
Duncombe Community Center
510 Folger St., Duncombe
Dayton Township
Dayton Community Center
104 First St. NW, Dayton
Deer Creek-Jackson Township
Clare Community Center
520 E. Front St., Clare
Fort Dodge 1
First Congregational United Church of Christ
1611 Williams Drive
Fort Dodge 2
First Presbyterian Church
1111 Fifth Ave. N.
Fort Dodge 3
Lion’s Den (Izaak Walton)
731 Exposition Drive
Fort Dodge 4 and Douglas Township
First Covenant Church
201 Ave. H
Fort Dodge 5
Prairie Lakes Church
200 Ave. O
Fort Dodge 6**
Lion’s Den (Izaak Walton)
731 Exposition Drive
Fort Dodge 7
Fort Dodge City Hall-A
819 First Ave. S.
Fort Dodge 8*
Fort Dodge City Hall-B
819 First Ave. S.
Fort Dodge 9
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
1023 S. 27th St.
Fort Dodge 10
Fort Dodge Community School District Central Office
109 N. 25th St.
Fort Dodge 11
Church of Nazarene
1250 N. 24th St.
Fort Dodge 12
Trinity Methodist Church
838 N. 25th St.
Gowrie-Lost Grove Township
Gowrie Community Center
1206 Market St.
*Temporary Combined Polling locations
**Temporary polling place for this election