
Snow baby

Baby born during blizzard thanks to help from community

-Photo by Drew Designs
Lexi Lizer, standing next to her husband Jay and daughter Laikyn, holds baby Ledger who was born during last week’s blizzard.

GOWRIE — When the winds and snow of last week’s blizzard began to hit, Lexi Lizer, of Gowrie, began feeling labor contractions.

Due with her and husband Jay Lizer’s second child on March 10, they were already on edge as the date neared, but the early contractions paired with the weather exacerbated the worry.

“I was concerned,” said Jay Lizer. “But I didn’t realize how bad it was until we started counting the contractions.”

“Of course Jay’s son would come during a blizzard,” added Lexi Lizer. “He’s wild like his dad.”

Knowing that they would need a way to the hospital during the blizzard, Jay Lizer’s mother, Jori Nahnsen, started to mobilize within the community.

-Photo by Drew Designs
Ledger Lizer was born in the middle of last week’s blizzard. His parents, Lexi and Jay Lizer, arrived at the hospital with minutes to spare thanks to coordination with many Gowrie residents who helped to clear a path for the family.

Nahnsen contacted Melissa Joyce, director of the Southwest Webster Emergency Medical Service.

“She was ready to be on standby and got the ambulance prepared with the OB kit,” said Nahnsen.

Joyce contacted Gowrie city workers Jeff Strutzenberg and Brandon Harrison to help clear a path for the family.

“It was a complete whiteout,” said Harrison. “I could only see the blade on my truck.”

Harrison and Strutzenberg began clearing the Lizers’ road and driveway by 7 a.m. to ensure it was accessible in case the ambulance was needed.

Gowrie resident Matt Nordin heard of the potential emergency and was enroute to assist with clearing the driveway when he became stuck less than a quarter mile from the Lizer’s home.

According to Lexi Lizer, her husband was Googling how to deliver a baby just in case things took a turn while they were at home.

When the wind began to calm down, the Lizers decided to attempt the drive to Stewart Memorial Community Hospital in Lake City on their own.

“We left the house just before 10 a.m. and I couldn’t imagine getting out of the driveway without all of the help from the community,” said Jay Lizer.

Despite the challenging road conditions, they completed the typical 20-minute drive to the hospital in 45 minutes. By the time they arrived, Lexi was dilated to 9.5 cm with no time to spare. Their son, Ledger Jeffrey Lizer was born at 12:44 p.m. weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and measuring 19.75 inches long.

“I’m super grateful to have a community that supported us like that,” said Lexi Lizer. “We couldn’t have done this without them.”

“I want to thank Melissa Joyce, Matt and Jori Nahnsen, Brandon Harrison, Jeff Strutzenberg, Matt Nordin, and Dr. Hornback for getting there just in time,” added Jay Lizer. “We couldn’t have done it without them.”

Lexi, Jay, big sister Laikyn, and baby Ledger Lizer were back home and doing well the next day.

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