Taking center stage with Abraham Fisher
building a bond; Fisher finds balance, family in fine arts

Abraham Fisher has built relationships and a second family during his time at Fort Dodge Senior High.
The senior keeps his schedule packed, and the activities have helped Fisher find new groups of friends.
Fisher is involved in concert band, marching band and jazz band, along with large group and individual speech. He has also taken part in FDSH’s musicals, and competed in cross country.
While playing the drums in high school, Fisher said being a part of the marching band is something that goes beyond just a routine high school experience.
“Band is like a second family,” Fisher said. “The drum line especially. We often have celebrations after band camp. Throughout the summer and after competitions, along with pep talks before each game (are all part of the relationship building).
“The real connection, though, is built through the extreme fatigue we experience during marching season.”
Being in all of the bands has helped Fisher realize all of the aspects, strengths and perspectives.
“The different bands provide different experiences and exposure.Like a concert band focuses on music theory,” Fisher said, “whereas jazz stretches improvisational abilities.
“The marching band is by far my favorite. I’m going to miss that the most. It got me through many rough days at school.”
On stage, Fisher has gained confidence while making memories.
“I was in the chorus of ‘Footloose’ and ‘Les Miserables,'” Fisher said. “I was given the privilege of playing Miles in last year’s production of ‘Tuck Everlasting.’
“I love the connections that are built and strengthened through the long rehearsals and stressful performances.”
While being involved in so many activities, Fisher has found meaning and balance through the sacrifices.
“I feel the need to grow and to be connected,” Fisher said. “Being so heavily involved has drawbacks, of course — it eats away at most of my personal time.
“It also has many benefits that make it worth it, though.”
Throughout his journey, Fisher has been influenced by many.
“My biggest influences have been my dad, Eric Hansen, and Mrs. (Andi) Adams,” Fisher said. “They have all imparted immense wisdom and have helped develop me into who I am today.”
After high school, Fisher is still undecided about his college plans.
“I am still exploring my options college-wise,” Fisher said. “I’m narrowing down my career choices. At this point I am confident I will attend college, but everything else will be left up to God’s plan.”
Vacation destination: Norway.
People I would like to have dinner with: King David.
It would surprise people that I: program video games for fun.
Performer that inspires me: Jorge Revera Herrens.
My everyday role model: my dad.
I can’t go a day without: Talking to my friends.
Where do I see myself in 10 years?
Running my own successful company or team.
What are you listening to right now?
“Vantage” by Halfy and Winks.
Dream piece: Dear Evan Hansen.
A show you binge watch: “Any movie or show with an overpowered main character.”
Musical: “Tuck Everlasting.”
Performance: Indie.
Music genre: Indie.
Song: Era.
Class: Honors English.
Instrument: drum set.
Movie: How to Train Your Dragon.
Book: Wings of Fire.
Phone App.: Bullet Echo.