

Sexton provides update, seeks input

Local Columns

The House Agriculture Committee passed House Study Bill 131 (Grain Indemnity Bill) by a bipartisan vote of 21-1. HSB 131 makes several modernizing changes to the state grain indemnity program which is now nearing four-decades old. Since the 1980s, when this program was created, Iowa ...

District tour highlights need for Farm Bill

Local Columns

Since I was first elected, I have traveled to every county in Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District at least twice a year as part of my 36 County Tour. It’s a commitment that I made to my constituents that I would be transparent and accessible, offering meaningful solutions to the problems ...

Bills address variety of health care issues

Local Columns

Last Thursday I managed HF 313, a bill that relates to testimony at an involuntary commitment hearing for substance abuse disorder or serious mental impairment. This bill allows for an advanced registered nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant to testify at these hearings if they have ...

Enjoy the Progress Agriculture section


The annual Progress edition wraps up with the Agriculture section in today’s edition of The Messenger. It provides a comprehensive look at how a wide array of developments in our region are shaping the agricultural tomorrow. While every issue of this newspaper is filled with articles, ...

Offers Shellabration suggestion

Letters to the Editor

To the editor: I read in The Messenger paper that the Shellabration concert is being canceled this year. Why? Be creative. Why not go local and statewide and ask local bands or statewide bands to come and play? Give them some notoriety. Make it a weekend concert like they do in Des Moines, ...

Continuing a strong health care legacy for our community

Local Columns

This past year, we celebrated 130 years of being our community’s trusted health partner. With stories and insights of our legacy from those who came before us, we are inspired and reminded of the legacy we’re continuing to build in Fort Dodge. As we look to a new year, I am proud to share ...