It’s getting to be that time of the year.
Although it is early in the season, you just may have seen someone working in the fields already. You may have seen a tractor rolling down a rural road. If you are a farmer, perhaps you have been looking over the fields and getting the machinery ...
We think Iowa lawmakers are getting close to making the state’s roads safer for everyone.
How are they doing that? By advancing a bill that would prohibit drivers from using electronic devices unless they are in a hands-free mode.
State Rep. Ann Meyer, R-Fort Dodge, first introduced the ...
Despite the heaps of snow outside, the calendar tells us that it is now spring. All of that snow is in fact, starting to melt. And once all that snow melts into water that trickles down into the storm drains, what will we find on our streets? Yes, you guessed it - potholes. Chances are that ...
Anyone who took the time to read the entire Iowa criminal code would come across an offense entitled assault by an inmate with bodily fluids or secretions.
Yes, that offense does exist in state law. And yes, the offense is as gross as it sounds. But that kind of an assault is one of the ...
As another growing season approaches, Tuesday has been set as National Ag Day by the Agriculture Council of America. The council designates the week it falls within as National Ag Week.
One goal of National Ag Day is to recognize the contribution agriculture makes in the lives of all of us. ...
The idea of getting poked with a big needle and having some of your blood siphoned out is not at all a pleasant one.
However, people who are brave enough to get jabbed and allow some of their blood to be drawn out are a type of hero commonly called a blood donor. They save a lot of ...