
Public input needed for Transportation Corridor Plan

Document will help guide growth in Webster County

Residents of Webster County now have an opportunity to make some impact on a plan that will affect the future development of areas along some major highway corridors. It is a chance they should not miss.

It may seem that local governments are always working on some plan or another. But plans are needed if a community is going to have orderly development that will make it an attractive and vibrant place to live and work.

The process now underway in Webster County is for creating the Transportation Corridor Plan. It focuses on U.S. Highway 20, U.S. Highway 169, Iowa Highway 7, Iowa Highway 175, and Webster County Road P59.

Along those routes are some specific locations that have been identified as potential development areas. They are:

• U.S. Highway 20 south of Duncombe

• U.S. Highway 20 near Webster County Road P59

• Webster County Road P59 between U.S. Highway 20 and Fort Dodge

• U.S. Highway 169 between U.S. Highway 20 and Fort Dodge

• The juncture of U.S. Highway 20 and Iowa Highway 7

• U.S. Highway 169 near Webster County Road D14

• Iowa Highway 7 by Barnum

• U.S. Highway 20 near Moorland

• The intersection of U.S. Highway 169 and Iowa Highway 175

• Iowa Highway 175 south and east of Gowrie

To get the public’s thoughts on the plan, an online survey has been created. To complete the survey, go to https://arcg.is/jyLi.

Completing the survey will likely take 10 or 15 minutes. We encourage people to take that small amount of time to complete the survey. By doing so, they will be influencing the growth of their county.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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