
Indoor arena project is worthy of support

Fairgrounds fixture has been site of many memorable events

It is easy to take the indoor arena at the Webster County Fairgrounds for granted.

After all, it’s been there since 1973. Lots of people can’t remember a time when it wasn’t there. But generations of fair goers and 4-H members remember all the special things that have happened inside its walls. 4-H members of all ages have proudly shown their livestock there. More than a few of them have dashed through the arena carrying a watermelon slathered with soap as part of the Barnyard Olympics held during the Webster County Fair. And the arena is the home base for the Iowa Central Community College rodeo team.

In the wake of all that action, not to mention 50 years worth of frigid winters and blistering summers, the arena needs some attention. A two-phase plan to spruce it up has been created.

During the first phase, new steel walls with spray-foam insulation will be installed. Industrial insulated ceilings will be put in place. The metal roof will be restored. New ceiling fans, doors and windows are planned.

The second phase will involve updating the kitchen, bathroom and showers.

When all that is done, the arena could become the site of even more events like concerts and trade shows.

We believe all that work is necessary. Unfortunately, it won’t be cheap. The phase one work alone is estimated to cost more than $300,000.

Everyone who enjoys county fairs or has fond memories of activities in the indoor arena can help finance these needed improvements. And no one needs to break the bank to do so because contributions in any amount, no matter how small, will help.

To make a donation, visit WebsterCountyFairgroundsIA.com. Donations can also be made by visiting the fairgrounds’ Facebook page or contacting any member of the fair board or fair foundation.

The fair and all the other activities that happen in the indoor arena, are integral parts of life in our agricultural community. We encourage everyone to consider helping to preserve a piece of that way of life by making a contribution to the indoor arena project.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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