
Corrections workers are unsung heroes

They put themselves at risk to protect the public

Anyone who took the time to read the entire Iowa criminal code would come across an offense entitled assault by an inmate with bodily fluids or secretions.

Yes, that offense does exist in state law. And yes, the offense is as gross as it sounds. But that kind of an assault is one of the things county jailers and state corrections officers must contend with.

Everyone is well aware that law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency medical personnel risk their lives every day to protect us.

But there is another group of people that risk their lives every day to protect the public. Corrections officers, other prison employees and county jailers go to work each day to protect all of us from the worst elements of society.

It is true that there are inmates who change their behavior and use the time behind bars to turn their lives around. But some never do. Some always remain dangerous. Unarmed corrections officers and other prison staffers have to deal with them every single day. It is a tough job that lots of people don’t want.

But fortunately, there are people who are willing to accept the challenge. There are many of those people in the Fort Dodge region.

This area is unique in that it has two prisons in close proximity. They are the Fort Dodge Correctional Facility and the North Central Correctional Facility in Rockwell City. And of course there are multiple county jails in the area.

Hundreds of our neighbors work in those prisons and jails. They remain committed to the complex mission of protecting the public while at the same time trying to steer inmates toward becoming productive citizens. They do so with professionalism, dedication and bravery, knowing that any day on the job could turn violent.

If you know someone who works in corrections, please thank them for everything they do for all of us.

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