
Kersten is deserving choice for Catalyst Award

He has lobbied for the best interests of his hometown

It is likely that no one has been as successful as Jim Kersten at approaching state and federal decision makers to secure their support for things that will benefit Fort Dodge, Webster County and Iowa Central Community College.

For some, lobbying has a kind of negative connotation. But the reality is, in order to get help for a project or a program, someone has to make a case to the people who can provide the money or other assistance. When it comes to doing that skillfully and consistently, Kersten has no match. And he is motivated simply by his love for his hometown.

The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance recognized that Thursday by bestowing its highest honor – the Catalyst Award – on Kersten.

He is an excellent choice for the honor.

Since the late 1990s, he has worked his connections in Des Moines and Washington D.C. not to enrich himself, but to bring good things back to Fort Dodge. The results of his efforts have been seen in local infrastructure, workforce training programs, economic development and the growth of Iowa Central Community College.

One of the most recent visible results of his efforts is the fuels testing laboratory at Iowa Central Community College. Over the course of nearly a decade he worked with government, private industry and fuel and commodity groups to craft a plan that made the lab possible. Now the lab is the only independent facility of its kind, and sets the standards for the biofuels industry.

The long list of organizations to which Kersten has committed his time and energy over the years includes the state Board of Corrections, Governor’s 2020 Transportation Commision, Judicial Nominating Commission, Iowa Lottery Board of Directors, Iowa Association of Community College Trustees, Friendship Haven board, Ringland-Smeltzer board, Sacred Heart Preservation Committee, Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Legislative Committee, Webster County Development Corporation, Small Business Development Center Advisory Board, Mid Iowa Growth Partnership, Iowa Farm Bureau, iowa Association of Business and Industry and the Iowa Rural Development Council.

Kersten is the vice president of government affairs and external relations at Iowa Central. He is preparing to retire from that role later this year. It will be a well-deserved retirement for him. But fortunately for the community, he’s not going anywhere. His wisdom and steady presence will remain in Fort Dodge.

What else can be said to honor someone like Kersten? We’ll keep it simple. Thank you for everything Jim, and congratulations. You deserve it.

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