This voter supports Ann Meyer
To the editor:
I first met Ann Meyer 18 years ago when she and her family located to Fort Dodge. Ann immediately impressed me with her personable demeanor, professionalism and work ethic. I have been a witness to her dedication to our community and have seen first-hand, her actions to support a wide variety of organizations that are very beneficial to the Fort Dodge Area.
Ann is a career nurse and instructor, she is well respected in both professions by her peers, patients and her students. She has the knowledge and experience to immediately contribute to the conversation for affordable healthcare and mental health access.
As a long-time citizen of Fort Dodge, Ann has seen the positive effects resulting from the efforts to promote our area in both the private and public sectors. Her stance on economic development and job growth will continue to aid our area in attracting new businesses in a competitive global market.
Please join me in casting a vote for Ann Meyer as State Representative in House District No. 9. She is the most experienced, knowledgeable and impactful candidate on the ticket.
Keith Kolacia
Fort Dodge