
Warns of Trump, dictatorship

To the editor:

I am a retired farmer. Sixty years ago I helped lobby for the Farm Bureau organization and the Republican Party. I considered myself a moderate Republican and we worked with moderate Democrats.

We helped write good laws and it was give-and-take compromise with both parties to pass good laws.

That’s not happening today. The Republican Party has changed since the aggressive, religious far right took control.

History books have shown to become a dictator, you have to get rid of the free press. When running for United States president, Donald Trump told people “The free press is fake news, just listen to me.” The free press is not the enemy of the people., as Trump has often said.

He was also quoted as saying “tell people a lie three times and they will believe you.” Those that just listened to Donald Trump have heard many lies. People need to listen and read other news sources. The free press is pretty accurate, much more accurate than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump knew he lost the election in 2020. He told people he won as a brain wash. Donald Trump says he will put a tariff on goods coming into the United States, as he did when he was president. It caused people to buy their corn and soybeans from other countries. The tariff lowered the prices farmers received for their corn and soybeans. Economists think tariffs will cause inflation. Farm Bureau has fought against tariffs.

Sadly, people that Donald Trump has said that he admires include Putin, the dictator of Russia, and Kim, the dictator of North Korea. Dondald Trump says he wants to be our dictator and change our U.S. Constitution.

Dick Naeve


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