Salutes hospice staff, volunteers
To the editor:
My heart was saddened when I heard that the Paula J. Baber Hospice Home is closing. I was the volunteer coordinator for UnityPoint Hospice volunteers from 2003-2022. A lot of our volunteers spend many hours in our wonderful Hospice Home helping our patients, their families and guests and staff. This home is such a blessing to our community. When our patients would come to the hospice home, our staff would care for them so their loved ones could spend more time being with them in their final days. The hospice home also provides respite care for days when a caregiver needs time to get some extra rest.
I was so blessed to work with this incredible staff. They are trained and so experienced in helping our patients in their final days and hours. They also help families on this journey.
It will be a huge loss for our community when it closes.
Mary E. Larson