
Letters to the Editor

Former sheriff endorses Michehl

To the editor: I am writing again to express my support for Trevir Michehl for Webster County sheriff. I realize that I may be upsetting some of my Republican friends by speaking out, but I truly believe that Trevir is the right person for this role. He will use 100 percent of his time to ...

Time for change?

To the editor: The two most recent bond issues in Webster County and Fort Dodge that were being advocated by the current governing bodies were rejected by the voters (taxpayers) who of course would become responsible for the costs associated with those bonds. Are you satisfied that the ...

Wants Montgomery for supervisor

To the editor: I am writing to express my strong support for Nathan Montgomery as Webster County supervisor. Having had the privilege to watch Nathan grow up, I’ve always been inspired by his ambition to take on a leadership role in our government. From a young age, he showed a dedication to ...

Endorses Campbell for supervisor

To the editor: I am writing to support Mark Campbell for re-election to the Webster County Board of Supervisors. Mark has been a long-time friend. His father, Ron Campbell, a long-time union Democrat, helped me when I ran for the Iowa Senate and won. Mark has done a tremendous job as ...

Democracy or republic?

To the editor: People in the news have referred to threats to our democracy. But the Constitution states “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government.” So are we a democracy or a republic? Or both? In Federalist Paper No. 10, “Father ...

Beware of propaganda

To the editor: If you don’t like being fooled, then why give any credibility to the sources that also brought you such facts as the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation (not), our southern border is closed and secure (not), Joe Biden is on top of his game and runs circles around ...