

Procter & Gamble’s toxic sanctimony

One of the world’s most successful brands committed ideological hara-kiri this week. Recognized around the world as a symbol of manly civility for more than a century, Gillette will now be remembered as the company that did itself in by sacrificing a massive consumer base at the altar of ...

When depression strikes

Editor’s Note: Annie Lane is off this week. The following column was originally published in October 2016. Dear Annie: I want people to know that depression can happen to someone even if her life appears wonderful. I know from experience. A few years ago, I had just married a wonderful man ...

Nurturing womanly ambition

A few days before my mother died, at age 62, she sat tethered to oxygen in her crowded hospital room and expressed two regrets about her life. “If I had it to do over, I’d dye my hair red,” she said, “and I would own cats.” Some of us laughed nervously. Her voice was ...

Holiday spending

Editor’s Note: Annie Lane is off this week. The following column was originally published in October 2016. Dear Annie: Christmas used to be a time that I enjoyed. I have always enjoyed spending time with siblings and cousins who live in other cities and catching up with them. Over the ...

Foreigners shape up Americans

The kids are bratty, the parents fighting, the homes a mess. It’s remarkable how American domestic life can breed so much dissatisfaction amid so much plenty. Foreigners have made an industry of observing this paradox and offering Americans fixes. Restoring tranquility and, frankly, ...