

Boyfriend a downer at game nights

Dear Annie: My boyfriend, “Mark,” can be a sore loser, and it’s beginning to ruin game night. Every week, a few of my friends get together to play games — video games, board games, anything that can be played with a big group. Most of the time, I go alone, as these friends were made ...

Anti-vaxxers spread a plague of ignorance

An outbreak of measles four years ago at Disneyland focused attention on a growing health menace — the refusal of parents to vaccinate their children. The threat has gone international. The World Health Organization has just named the anti-vaccination movement among the 10 biggest global ...

A lying abuser

Dear Annie: Recently, you published a letter from someone whose good friend was being abused by a girlfriend physically, verbally and financially. I agree with your advice to the letter writer to keep in contact with her abused friend. My issue is this: My boyfriend is telling his mother that ...

The shutdown and the dismal failure of Trumponomics

One of the least-talked-about consequences of the partial shutdown of the U.S. government — courtesy of Donald "I’m proud to shut down the government" Trump — is its negative effect on the U.S. economy. Federal spending accounts for just over 20 percent of the total economy. When that ...

When coffee becomes an addiction

Dear Annie: Just recently, I started drinking coffee most mornings. I’d say that over the past four months, I’ve had coffee an average of four days a week. In the past month or so, I’ve noticed that I get headaches when I skip coffee for a day. I’m guessing these headaches are a result ...

Cough up, America

When you receive your paycheck and look at the withholding for federal, state and sometimes city taxes, along with Social Security and Medicare, you probably don’t think you’re underpaying governments and want them to take more. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio believes that if you have ...